Adapting to circumstances

Happy 4th of July!

A month ago, I stood in front of a room full of business leaders to discuss AI. My mission was to show them how AI could change their work, specifically in areas like ad copy creation.

But here's the kicker: nothing went according to plan.

  • The address they gave me had a typo.

  • My laptop wouldn't connect to their system.

  • I ended up doing the entire presentation from my phone.

Talk about a curveball, right?

Everything turned out great. I improvised, presented from memory, answered audience questions on the fly, and guess what? The message still hit home.

Don't believe me? Here's what the Economic Development Manager said shortly after:

"You were fabulous and such a trooper for my bad address and the technical problems. I heard back from two businesses today, and they were very impressed, as was I. One business that is always there had a scheduling problem this morning and could not make it. He emailed to tell me someone who was at the meeting came into his bank and told him how great you were, and he really missed out. You are amazing!"

Why am I telling you this? Because it perfectly illustrates the power of what I'm about to share with you.

This wasn't just another talk about AI. It was about unleashing the potential inside us all that could double your output. It was an ad copy in this case, but it could be something else for you - even when everything goes sideways.

That weapon? GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers).

Here's the deal:

  • Most people think you have to do elaborate things with AI. Stick to specifics for things like ad copy support.

  • But what if you could test AI in ways that move the needled without breaking the bank or disrupting your operation?

  • That's where GPTs come in.

I showed these leaders how to run an experiment using GPTs to tailor ad copy and connect it to applications. The results were mind-blowing for attendees.

People in that room were able to get unstuck:

  • Doubled their ad copy output in half the time.

  • Created personalized ad variations at scale.

  • Give ideas for new ways they can use AI to support their work.

  • Generated headlines that are outperforming their old campaigns.

I'm not gonna lie—I'm proud. This approach is my baby, and it's growing into something beautiful. I've shared AI experiments before, but nothing like this. I am seeing incredible wins for people who apply new thinking to AI.

For the past month, I've been refining this method of applying doubling to AI, which I'm now opening up to my newsletter subscribers.

Starting Tuesday, you'll get four daily emails that:

  • Reveal insider tips on leveraging AI for ridiculous gains, a goal you want to achieve by applying the Rule of 72

  • Break down the Think Method approach and how to apply it in your work.

  • Showcasing how you can use the Think Method for real results from a few businesses, I started implementing it.

Want a sample of what's possible? I've created a GPT specifically for ad copy. Check it out here.

Don't miss your chance to start doubling output with AI by signing up for an introductory advisory session.

I can't wait to see you transform your productivity.


Also, the first ten people to book an initial consultation with me will receive a free 30-minute GPT building session. I usually charge $300 for these, but this offer is a bonus for the community members.


or to participate.