The Think Method: A Must-Have for AI-Driven Business Leaders

Sharing the second installment in our three-part email series on the Think Method

Today, I'm excited to share the second installment in our three-part email series on the Think Method approach. Tuesday, we kicked off the series in our weekly newsletter on the Rule of 72 and AI, which you can find here.

Let’s dive into the Think Method.

Breaking Down the Think Method

The Think Method uses strategy and AI automation to create doubling effects. It is comprised of five stages:

  1. Task: The current state of a specific task tied to a strategic goal.

  2. Hypothesis: Formulate a hypothesis for how AI can enhance your operations.

  3. Investing: Invest time and resources into running a hypothesis experiment.

  4. Network: Measure the results of your hypothesis by network effects based on doubling velocity.

  5. Knowledge: Measure the hypothesis by the rate of doubling compounding.

To show this, I'd like to share a recent experiment I conducted with email campaigns to see the Think Method in action.

Interesting Email Experiment Results

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been running a series of email experiments to gain insight into what drives better responses. Here’s what I learned from sending over 1,200 emails to a targeted list of businesses.

Experiment Overview

I divided the emails into three groups:

  1. Cold Emails: Traditional cold outreach.

  2. Warm Emails: Emails sent to contacts who had been introduced to me.

  3. AI-Enhanced Cold Emails: Cold emails where I used AI to enhance the process.

The Winning Framework

  1. Customized Openings: Personalize the opening of your emails to capture attention.

  2. Network Introductions with People or Data: Leveraging your network or relevant data to build connections.

  3. Short and Focused: Keeping emails concise and to the point.

  4. AI Assistance: Utilizing GPTs, Actions, Agents, and human intelligence with AI to refine and enhance performance and testing speed.

  5. Iterative Improvement: Continuously testing, scoring, and refining from the doubling trend data.

The Winning Email Structure

  1. Headline: A strong headline is important, but a customized opening has the most impact.

  2. Introduction: Personalized based on recipient information.

  3. Desire Alignment: Clearly stating how their goals align with your work.

  4. Value Proposition: Highlighting your value proposition tied to their mission or activities.

  5. Call to Action: Ending with a clear and concise request for a short meeting.

  6. Keep It Short: Avoiding extra links or unnecessary details.

The AI Takeaway

  1. Use AI to Enhance Your Process: AI can significantly improve productivity.

  2. Combine Human Intelligence with AI: Blend your insights with AI capabilities for optimal results.

  3. Run Experiments: Continuously experiment to find what works best.

  4. Measure Results: Track your outcomes to understand what drives success.

  5. Iterate for the Best Outcomes: Refine your approach based on feedback and results.

It's that easy to start experimenting with the Think Method.

Applying the Think Method to a Strategic Goal

Incorporating the Think Method into your strategic goals can transform your workflow and scale progress. Here’s how to apply the Think Method to a specific strategic goal:

  1. Task: Assess the current state of the task related to your strategic goal.

  2. Hypothesis: Develop a hypothesis on how AI can enhance this task. What improvements do you want to see?

  3. Invest: Allocate the necessary time and resources into AI solutions to address this task.

  4. Network: Measure results using network effect principles.

  5. Knowledge: Continuously measure and analyze the results using the compounding rate.

By following these steps, you can leverage the Think Method to achieve your strategic goals.

Tomorrow, you will receive an email showing results from a short film platform I work with that is implementing the Think Method.

Want a sample of what's possible? Visit the tools page on our website here.

Sign up for an introductory advisory session to get started doubling your output with AI.

I can't wait to see how you transform your operations with the Think Method.


Here are three ways we can support your doubling with AI journey when you are ready.

  1. Doubling with AI Coaching Session: For $200, book a live 1-on-1 session for quick win identification, goal setting, and AI integration.

  2. Start Doubling Your Proposal Output and Quality with AI: Get a free AI Proposal Checklist.

  3. Participate in the 30 Days to Doubling Program: Identify and Implement Improvements to Double Output with AI. Learn more.


or to participate.