Triple Your Output with AI Instruction Prompts

Use AI Instructions to increase your output, like Taurus.

Compound Leverage Newsletter

I share tips twice a week on how to use AI to reach your goals faster.
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Meet Taurus. He wants to bid on two government contract bids every week.

Here's the big tip I gave him:

Use AI instructions to do three times more work.

Here's how Taurus is making it happen:

  1. Make Good AI Instructions:

    • Use ChatGPT to write step-by-step instructions for each part of his bidding process

    • Like this: "I’m a service provider specializing in packaged solutions for government and private sector bids. Write a prompt to streamline my bidding process with AI to bid on two bids per week and increase my bid win rate."

  2. Taurus uses the AI Instructions to build AI automations into his process:

    • Use AI for every part of the sourcing process

    • This way, he increases the volume and quality of his output

  3. Make Them Better:

    • Keep improving his instructions based on how well they work

    • Make new instructions for different parts of bidding (like research or writing)

Guess what? Taurus is on his way to submitting two bids a week.

Want to do three times more work? Try this:

  1. Dictate every step in how you do a sourcing process

  2. For each step, ask ChatGPT to write an instruction

  3. Use these instructions in ChatGPT to make AI automations

  4. See how much work you do and make the instructions better

  5. Slowly make instructions for everything you do to source bids

Here is a video on how to write an instruction prompt.

Good AI instructions are like having a team of helpers, each good at one job.

Start today. AI instructions are the key to hitting your goals faster, and Taurus is on his way to doing it, and you can, too!

Here's to tripling your output!


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